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We Have Turned One!

GreenJams was incorporated on the 11th of July, 2017, which means, today, we have turned one year old. But today calls for a celebration not because we have turned an year old, but because we held in our hands the result of a year’s worth of hard work. We held in our hands today a mature prototype of our brain-child.

The past year had been a roller-coaster of experiences for us new-timers into the startup scene. With absolutely no background in business or entrepreneurship – neither academic nor familial, we had jumped head first into this abyss. We had a singular goal – to revolutionise the way the Indian infrastructure sector is built. We wanted to take sustainability and make it something really attractive and sell to domestic construction players. It seemed like a rather easy goal in the beginning and we knew the way. We wanted to specialise in alternate construction materials and practices for buildings. After churning ourselves with the nuances and the conventions of the building industry we realised that our journey was long – laden with permissions, certifications, knowledge development, technology transfers and what not!

Eventually, we had decided to focus on what we had an emotional connection with – hempcrete and research. Subsequently, we conceptualised and formalised a hempcrete research project with CSIR – Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee for the development of a hempcrete product that is suitable for application in the Indian built environments. We had also entered into a formal agreement with Bombay Hemp Company, Mumbai – long time friends and supporters to help us in this endeavour…

…And finally, an year later, we have made major strides with the research and have been able to make some amazing progress with the product development. We are getting closer each day to achieving our targets and bringing to this great nation of ours a superior green building material that has so much potential. We are excited – very excited and the past year has been extremely rewarding and satisfying. But we are not content yet. We will continue to push; and push harder than ever, for we want to make a difference to the lives of the scores of citizens of our nation. Most important of all, we will make a difference to the lives of the farmers.

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